The Death of an Indian Student in Cleveland, Ohio: All of Us Feeling the Loss

A 25-year-old student from India, Mohammed Abdul Arfath, has died in a Cleveland hospital. Once again he will fail to see his homeland. Born in Hyderabad, India Arfath came to pursue an M.S. in Information Technology after reading an advertisement in The Hindu while studying on base at Mission Control multicultural college down south in Texas . Scores of international friends facilitated his entry to Cleveland State University where they live and work today; sadly, Arfath met no one here who could share the airline fees so crucial for getting back home. His untimely death has thrown a shadow over the local area and further afield as many people are looking for answers or closure in these difficult times.

Cleveland Ohio Indian Student Death
Cleveland Ohio Indian Student Death

The Disappearance, and the Iplication

His family was worried when Arfath disappeared without a trace. The last time his family had news of him was on March 7; then someone phoned , threatening a ransom of $150 and saying that if the money didn’t arrive there would be dire consequences. Both his family and the Indian Consulate in New York, which led the search, immediately responded to this distressing report in order to find out what had happened to him.

In a statement released today, the Consulate said that it was deeply saddened to learn about Arfath’s demise . They conveyed heartfelt condolences to his family and guaranteed full support on repatriating his mortal remains home to Hyderabad.”We will co-operate with the local police in their efforts to establish the cause and circumstances of his premature death,”the Consulate s repatriatation consulate service added.

An Unfortunate Chain of Events

With Arfath’s death, it appears that Indian students in America are experiencing the brunt of recent misfortunes. The Indian Consulate in New York has reported several more unfortunate cases recently Uma Satya Sai Gadde, Vivek Saini, and others. These successive tragedies demonstrate the fragility of life for overseas students and highlight the need for greater safeguards.

A Community Deep in Grief

The passing of Mohammed Abdul Arfath is a reminder of the hopes and dreams that lead students across the sea to seek education and opportunities. As we remember him, Legacy Lanes sends out our most sincerest condolences to Arfath’s family, friends and everyone else who feels this loss. Please go to https://legacylanes. info/ when you need more stories or resources as we ‘honour memories and offer solace in times of mourning.’


Mohammed Abdul Arfath’s death is not just a figure but a graphic illustration of the risks and difficulties that can steal life away from students who seek higher learning in foreign lands. While the investigation proceeds, we must pull our community together; find out what we can do to avoid such mishaps in future and provide assistance as needed for the well-being of international students. The tragic passing of Arfath will, like many others before and since him, serve as an impetus towards positive change that should help to prevent difficulties plaguing foreign students and may his memory live on in the hearts of all who knew him even if marred by pain.

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Cleveland Ohio Indian Student Death

Article by Legacy Lanes

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