Patti Starr Obituary: A Life Marked by Controversy and Redemption

Patti Starr was a well-known figure in Canadian politics and literature. She passed away on April 3, 2024 at the age of 81. Born in Toronto, Ontario (1942), she covered a variety of prominent roles from a bureaucrat and novelist to a dedicated fundraiser embroiled in what would become known as Ontario’s most-sordid political scandal: the Patti Starr affair. This affair not only shook the core of the government in charge. The Peterson administration of the early 1980s was ultimately brought down by a chain of events which began with it and finally culminated in a Province-wide defeat for him during fall 1990 General Election in Ontario.

Patti Starr Obituary
Patti Starr Obituary

A Life Full of Achievements

An alumna of Ryerson University, Starr held various distinguished posts, including as vice-president for the Canadian Jewish Congress and chair of Toronto Section (soon to become Chief Executive Officer). She was also active within the community and played prominent roles on multiple boards such as at O’Keefe Centre for the Performing Arts or what today is Toronto Community Housing Corporation. Meantime, her appointment by Premier David Peterson to be chairwoman of Ontario Place in 1987 represents a peak in her career, showing clearly the importance of fundraising for Ontario Liberal Party senior members.

The Patti Starr Affair: Surmounting Political Challenges

The Patti Starr affair became a turning point in Starr’s life, eventually tied to charges of illegal electoral donations that led to the staggering ambiguities within the federal Income Tax Act. The scandal gained momentum when in 1989 The Globe and Mail revealed that under Starr’s leadership the National Council of Jewish Women of Canada had made political donations contrary to the Act. This resulted in her leaving several key positions, such as chair of Ontario Place, and a cabinet reshuffle and judicial inquiry called by Peterson.

Legal Trials and A Return to Favor

She experienced a series of legal trials that accused violationsagainst the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture as well as breaking electionexpenditure regulations.In 1991 she confessed to many charges but it was pointed outthat she did not take personal advantage of any funds mishandled.Subsequently, Starr devoted her later years to obtainatonement: her final book, Tempting Fate: A Cautionary Tale of Power and Politics, piecedtogether her experience and perspective during this period.Apart from her political career, Starr left her mark on theliterary world. Her three fictional works were Deadly Justice,Final Justice and The Third Hole. Her producer credit for the 2017 Blue Book of CanadianBusiness furtherfromhher diverse talents and enthusiasmscan be seen.


Patti Starr’s life epitomizes the complex nature of humanity, characterized by significant achievements interwoven with great hassles. The impact of the Patti Starr affair filtered into the next provincial election in Ontario. It became the touchstone for Canadian Public Law and Ethics discussion. In considering her legacy, it is clear that Starr’s was a life combining public investigation and private redemption which became an unerasable mark on the tapestry of Canadian history forever. Please visit Legacy Lanes for more thoughts andtribute articles. The place where we remember those who made an indelible impact on our lives and world

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Patti Starr Obituary

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