Tongariro Alpine Crossing Death: A Detailed Investigation

A Detailed Investigation into the Tongariro Alpine Crossing Dead After earlier slack information from Tongariro National Park, the circumstances regarding the Tongariro alpine crossing death earlier this week, incorrectly at first reported as resulting from a fall, have been unveiled by police. They have now confirmed that it was a medical event. Elements of society have been deeply affected by this, to the point that both local authorities and conservation groups have made a heartfelt response.

Tongariro Alpine Crossing Death
Tongariro Alpine Crossing Death

What Happened

The incident took place on the renowned Tongariro Alpine Crossing, an area of gorgeous natural scenery and challenging terrain. Emergency services were informed, arriving at 9:23 that morning. But despite their best efforts, the individual died tragically shortly afterward.

Community and Authority Reaction

In the wake of this tragedy, the Department of Conservation (DoC) makes a joint statement at Tongariro’s local Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro and Ngati Tūwharetoa which has also issued local iwi. As real dogs are promoted to honor the deceased and give solace to their family– in Māori tradition it is called a rāhui– both spiritual and physical protection will be temporarily applied to the Crossing. It will run from April 9 to April 12 at 6 am each morning, before being taken off.

The Significance of a Rāhui

To the Māori people, a rāhui serves many purposes: it is a time for grieving and mourning, an opportunity to allow the spirit of that particular conservation area to heal. It is a time when both the environment and people can rest, reflecting both the deep and profound respect local community members have for their land.

Coping with Loss

Colin Baker, a Ruapehu Scenic Shuttles operator, recounted his experiences and their effect not only on local people which highlighted the impact of the event to visitors too. Noting how adverse weather conditions had made access to the crossing difficult, he emphasized its challenging nature. People are being recommended alternative routes to enjoy as a tribute and sign of solidarity with the bereaved from the rāhui already mentioned.

Legacy Lanes: A Place of Understanding and Comfort

Indeed, during these difficult times it is all the more important that we as a community help each other understand. Legacy Lanes wishes to extend its deepest condolences to all affected by this tragic event. For those hoping to understand how loss works and would like to share their own stories of grieving and healing, Legacy Lanes provides a sympathetic platform. To find consolation in the understanding of others who have experienced similar events is what we hope to achieve. Visit now.


The tongariro alpine crossing death serves as a reminder, a salute to life’s unpredictability and the place that preparedness and nature both have within it. With a rāhui imposed, the community can reflect on lost individuals, while such practical operations remind us anew of cultural depths which bring through times of grieving. In moments of reflection and remembrance, Legacy Lanes feels for you. It provides a place to remember, weep and once again regain a sense of belonging.


How many people have died in the Tongariro Alpine Crossing?

Of the 57 deaths, 32 were Kiwis and 25 were international visitors. The MSC noted that the most prominent causal factor of a fatality while tramping was competence, or lack of, attributing to 66% of the deaths occurring over the decade. Competence includes relevant experience, level of skill etc.

Is Tongariro Alpine Crossing safe?

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a challenging day hike that travels 19.4km right through an area of active volcanoes. Although beautiful, it can be dangerous if you are not fully prepared to enter an alpine environment.

How difficult is Tongariro Alpine Crossing?

How difficult is hiking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing? With a distance of 19.4 km or 12 miles, the Tongariro Alpine Crossing requires a moderate to good level of fitness and a fair amount of preparation to enjoy safely. So be prepared for a long and challenging day out.

Is the Tongariro Crossing scary?

It’s a challenging hike even in good weather – it’s just over 19 km and there are steep climbs, steep descents, and loose terrain. The Crossing can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours depending on the hiker.

What are the hazards in Tongariro?

Eruption hazards depend on the volcano and eruption style, and may include explosions, ballistics (flying rocks), pyroclastic density currents (fast moving hot ash clouds), lava flows, lava domes, landslides, ash, volcanic gases, lightning, lahars (mudflows), tsunami, and/or earthquakes.

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Tongariro Alpine Crossing Death

Article by Legacy Lanes

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